WWM Gives Back to Community

On Friday October 14, WWM personnel participated in a Produce Day of the YMCA Community School Program at Libby Elementary School in Chicago. The event was a partnership between the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago and the Greater Chicago Food Depository. WWM’s partners, associates and staff joined Y workers and volunteers to unload trucks containing produce and other perishable items, sort the donated food items, package it into grocery store-size plastic bags, and distribute it to several hundred low-income seniors and families in this “food desert” area of the city. It was hard but rewarding work and WWM was privileged to once again be helping the Y and GCFD.

Click here for a letter from Linda Dean, Director of Volunteerism of the YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago, thanking WWM for volunteering at the Libby Community School Program’s Produce Day, which is co-sponsored by the YMCA and the Greater Chicago Food Depository.